What a wonderful experience I had in facilitating a Soul
Doll workshop a few days ago! The experience has remained with me like a warm
happy glow. The group was a great mix of women, each with her own story
which she wrapped into her doll.
We began with some stories of how dolls are used as part of
traditional culture around the world.
Then we set an intention for our dolls. We wrote this on
paper and placed them inside the body of our little created beings.
Next we made the ‘inner core’ from pipe-cleaners.
And filled the body out with coloured wool
I loved getting to know the women who came and to share the
practice together in such a beautiful, warm, light space. It felt just like
crafting in my lounge room! Kristan, who has set up The Craft Hive, has created
a most special space to make in – check out her wonderful blog here: http://thecrafthive.com
I find the dolls will usually make themselves how they want
to come into the world, so you just need to be the hands. Sometimes it takes a
few days to keep adding to them until they feel finished…
At the end of the workshop we gave the dolls a little celebration and listened to their stories.